Disney XD's Kirby Buckets
stars Mekai Curtis as “Fish,” Jacob Bertrand as “Kirby Buckets,” Cade
Sutton as “Eli,” Olivia Stuck as “Dawn Buckets” and Tiffany Espensen as
Kirby Buckets (Jacob Bertrand) is a kid with plans of following in the footsteps of Mac MacCallister, a famous animator. Kirby is a talented artist, but his drawings, as well as his playful personality, tend to cause trouble.
His two best friends, Eli (Cade Sutton) and Fish (Mekai Curtis) join him as he gets into peculiar situations. Eli is a lovable and sweet friend, who “always has a smile on his face,” Sutton told TFK. Fish is fashionable and sharp, and.balances out Kirby and Eli. “I’m in the middle,” says Curtis. “I’m part devious and part naïve.”
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